This is used by the US government for some top secret documents. AES-256 CBC uses a 256 bit key thus is more secure and slower. AES-256 – This uses the same encryption algorithm as above.This one uses AES-128 CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) with a 128 bit key and should provide the best performance for most uses. AES-128 – Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) chosen protocol and the one used by the United States government for some secret documents.Data Encryption – This is the encryption used to encrypt and decrypt all of your Internet traffic once the initial secure tunnel has been established between your computer and a PIA server.The encryption screen has the following settings that you can modify: Small packets – This transfers the data in smaller packets which can fix some network issues with some firewall or setups.IPv6 leak protection – This disables a IPv6 request while using the VPN.Disabling the kill switch or exiting the VPN client will also restore normal Internet operation.It will restore Internet traffic once the connection starts up again.VPN kill switch – Once set, this will kill all Internet traffic from the device if the VPN connection is dropped.After enabling port forwarding and re-connecting, hover the mouse over the menu icon to see the port number to put in your application.

Port forwarding is only through the following gateways: CA Toronto, CA North York, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Germany, Russia, Romania, and Israel.The remote users must know the device name and the port number to successfully connect to it. Port forwarding – Turning this on allows you to set up an application which allows remote users to connect to it.Local port – This allows you to set a local port to send data through which is then redirected to the remote port.

Once you have set these basic options, then click the “Save” button and the client will finish launching.